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Eliminate Family Shame to Help a Loved One

Eliminate Family Shame

Treatment for a substance use disorder has many facets to it, including rebuilding family relationships during addiction recovery. Addiction is a complex illness, and it affects many different aspects of a person’s life. One area that is likely to have taken a major hit is the relationship between the person suffering from a substance use disorder and their family. That is why many experts often refer to addiction as a family illness.

Family Therapy

To help in rebuilding family relationships during addiction recovery, many treatment facilities provide the opportunity for people to attend family therapy sessions. Depending on the facility, family therapy sessions may include all immediate members of the family. Alternatively, therapy sessions may be available on an individual basis. High-quality facilities will offer a combination of individual and family therapy sessions.

The purpose of family sessions is to help the client understand the way the addiction has affected the lives of the rest of the family. Equally important, these sessions help the family understand what is happening to their loved one. Family members learn many ways to help and support the recovering person.

Family therapy teaches people how to communicate more effectively. If the addiction has been present for a long time, it is likely that communication has broken down. The person suffering from addiction might be unable to process and internalize anything anybody else says. Meanwhile, their family members may have given up trying to reason with them.

The lack of communication must be addressed to help in rebuilding family relationships during addiction recovery. During family therapy, all parties will learn positive ways to deal with issues that are bound to arise.

Rebuilding Family Relationships During Addiction Recovery

When people develop an addiction, they are often in denial about their condition. They might try to make excuses for their behavior. They may even try to blame other family members for the way they behave. This can cause deep resentment.

People suffering from addiction must face the fact that it is their illness that is the problem. Accepting responsibility for past actions and behaviors is critical if a person with addiction is to recover. It is also critical in rebuilding family relationships during addiction recovery.

Having Realistic Expectations

Treatment programs concentrate on helping people who are addicted to replace negative behaviors with positive ones. That includes helping people develop the habit of positive thinking.

Although addiction is incurable, every person who has it can learn to manage it. Treatment programs will emphasize that there is always hope.

It is beneficial for people who are in recovery from addiction to have an optimistic and positive outlook. Family members may need time to develop the same level of optimism and hope.

It is possible to rebuild relationships that have been damaged by addiction, but it will take time and effort. As long as everyone involved is committed to a better future and makes a positive contribution to building that future, there is no reason not to be optimistic. That is why we offer drug rehab in Long Beach as well as sober living options. Visit Roots Through Recovery at 3939 Atlantic Ave, Suite 102 Long Beach, CA 90807 or call (866) 766-8776.

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