Physical Rehabilitation
What is it?
We understand that all pain is real and that all people suffering from chronic pain deserve affirming care.
Our Functional Restoration Program provides compassionate and validating interdisciplinary chronic pain care through a modern, evidence-based treatment approach to get you back to living your life again.
How does it work?
Chronic pain is complicated, but the treatment does not have to be. Our team will work together with you to help achieve your goals through a personalized treatment plan to effectively treat your pain.
You will transform from a passive recipient to an active participant in your recovery from chronic pain. By the end of our program you will become an expert in effective pain care for your body and learn lifelong knowledge, skills, and strategies for continued independence in optimizing your health.
Throughout the program, you will learn how to independently use movement, exercise, goal setting, pacing and graded exposure strategies, pain neuroscience education, cognitive and behavioral strategies, trauma healing strategies, mindfulness and meditation, and pain-related anxiety and stress management and reduction strategies to heal and treat the root contributors of your pain, rather than just treating the symptoms.
Why is it important?
Research has shown us that effective chronic pain treatment requires more than just passive treatments, such as medications, injections, surgery, manual therapy, massage, acupuncture, and adjustments, which tend to cost more in the long term and only provide temporary, minimal, or no relief for your pain, and may even make your pain worse.
Passive treatments do little in helping you to become independent in addressing your pain because they often lead you to becoming dependent on them.
This is why at Roots Through Recovery, we emphasize a focus on active recovery as treatment for your chronic pain condition with passive treatment as supplemental to your care. Our goal is to help you become independent in your pain recovery and teach you the knowledge, tools, and strategies to thrive in your recovery.
Love Connect Inspire Thrive
Take the First Step Now
If you need to find a place that feels comfortable and supportive, let Roots Through Recovery’s experienced clinicians and case management team work with you to help determine your next steps. We want you to have choices that will give you and your loved ones the best outcomes.