Seeking Safety
Seeking Safety is an evidence-based, present-focused counseling model to help people attain safety from trauma and/or substance abuse. It directly addresses both trauma and addiction, but without requiring clients to delve into the trauma narrative (the detailed account of disturbing trauma memories). Seeking Safety offers 25 topics, each a safe coping skill, and follows the key principles of Seeking Safety:
1. Safety as the overarching goal (helping clients attain safety in their relationships, thinking, behavior, and emotions)
2. Integrated treatment (working on both trauma and substance abuse at the same time)
3. A focus on ideals to counteract the loss of ideals in both trauma and substance abuse
4. Four content areas: cognitive, behavioral, interpersonal, case management
5. Attention to clinician processes (clinicians’ emotional responses, self-care, etc.)
Take the First Step Now
If you need to find a place that feels comfortable and supportive, let Roots Through Recovery’s experienced clinicians and case management team work with you to help determine your next steps. We want you to have choices that will give you and your loved ones the best outcomes.