Native Americans
We understand that, as a Native American, history and personal experiences, along with limited opportunities and cultural norms, have set the stage for serious mental health issues. You may be struggling with alcoholism, drug addiction, domestic violence, intergenerational trauma, and/or mental health issues. Our staff is trained in a variety of trauma-focused and culturally specific treatment, including Wellbriety, a treatment approach developed by White Bison.
How can Roots help us?
The purpose of the program is to spread culturally based principles, values, and teachings to support healing from alcohol, substance abuse, mental health issues, and intergenerational trauma, as well as help facilitate healthy community development and leadership. This is done in three phases of treatment, which include Mending Broken Hearts, Medicine Wheel & 12-Step, and Warrior Down/Recovery Coach.
- The Mending Broken Hearts programs provide culturally-based healing from grief, loss, and Intergenerational Trauma, especially for native peoples from the United States and Canada.
- The Medicine Wheel and 12-Step program provides a culturally appropriate 12 Step program for Native American/Alaska Natives based on Teachings of the Medicine Wheel, the Cycle of Life, and the Four Laws of Change.
- The Warrior Down/Recovery Coach program provides a relapse prevention and recovery support program for Native American/Alaska Natives who are completing treatment, returning to the community from incarceration, or who have been working on their recovery journey using traditional method or 12-Step methods and who wish to provide support to others experiencing the same.
We offer a supportive environment with staff trained and experienced in trauma-focused recovery. Roots provides a highly structured and individually-tailored schedule to meet your specific needs. We offer group therapy, individual therapy, psychoeducation, and case management.
It’s important to build your innate capacity for resilience in order to heal from the past so that you can live a full and rich life and spread the same healing to your community and generations to come.
Take the First Step Now
If you need to find a place that feels comfortable and supportive, let Roots Through Recovery’s experienced clinicians and case management team work with you to help determine your next steps. We want you to have choices that will give you and your loved ones the best outcomes.