Partial Hospitalization Program
What is it?
How does it work?
For many people, detox and inpatient treatment are a great start, but do not provide the longevity needed to sustain long term sobriety or sustainable improved mental health. PHP offers a step down from that level of care in order to allow the person to gradually step back into their everyday lives. The longer you stay at intensive levels of treatment, the more likely you are to be successful long term.
Our team will develop a treatment plan to tailor to your needs and create a culture of change for your well being. You will learn skills that can be carried into your daily life and still be able to meet your needs as you resume a life outside of treatment.
The program runs Monday through Friday, and includes group therapy, individual therapy and family counseling with the most compassionate and experienced professionals in the industry. The PHP program consists of six hours of treatment services each day, with breaks throughout. Throughout the program, you will attend sessions and receive close attention and medication monitoring and still get to stay in your own home.
Why is it important?
This is why Roots Through Recovery focuses on helping you get back on your feet the safe way and also offers several ways for families to get involved in their loved ones’ treatment. The family is free to attend sessions on their own, but preferably with their loved one. Our goal is to create a plan and agreement between you and your family to reassure your family that progressing on outside goals is a part of your treatment and is necessary for your growth.
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Take the First Step Now
If you need to find a place that feels comfortable and supportive, let Roots Through Recovery’s experienced clinicians and case management team work with you to help determine your next steps. We want you to have choices that will give you and your loved ones the best outcomes.