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Conditions We Treat.

Conditions We Treat.

No matter your challenges, Roots will help you uncover the underlying issues, provide guidance and tools to heal your mind, body and spirit, and help you rediscover a life of purpose and meaning.

Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Dual Diagnosis or Co-Occurring

Mental Health Disorders

Depression & Anxiety

Childhood Traumas

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Trauma sexual

Transgender Support Services

Chronic or Persistent Pain

Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Dual Diagnosis or Co-Occurring

Mental Health Disorders

Depression & Anxiety

Childhood Traumas

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Trauma sexual

Transgender Support Services

Chronic or Persistent Pain

Whatever your challenge may be, We are here to help!

Is Roots right for you?
Take our assessment

Da el primer paso ahora

Si necesita encontrar un lugar que le resulte cómodo y que le brinde apoyo, deje que los médicos clínicos y el equipo de gestión de casos experimentados de Roots Through Recovery trabajen con usted para determinar los próximos pasos a seguir. Queremos que tenga opciones que le brinden a usted y a sus seres queridos los mejores resultados.

Let us help you start your journey
