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Entrevista motivacional

Motivational Interviewing is designed to bring practices of mindful awareness to individuals who have suffered from the addictive trappings and tendencies of the mind. MBRP practices are intended to foster increased awareness of triggers, destructive habitual patterns, and “automatic” reactions that seem to control many of our lives. The mindfulness practices in MBRP are designed to help us pause, observe present experience, and bring awareness to the range of choices before each of us in every moment. We learn to respond in ways that serves us, rather than react in ways that are detrimental to our health and happiness. Ultimately, we are working towards freedom from deeply ingrained and often catastrophic habits.

Da el primer paso ahora

Si necesita encontrar un lugar que le resulte cómodo y que le brinde apoyo, deje que los médicos clínicos y el equipo de gestión de casos experimentados de Roots Through Recovery trabajen con usted para determinar los próximos pasos a seguir. Queremos que tenga opciones que le brinden a usted y a sus seres queridos los mejores resultados.

Permítanos ayudarle a comenzar su viaje de recuperación.
