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substance abuse

acute care addiction

What Is Acute Care For Addiction And What You Need To Know

Many factors contribute to alcohol and substance abuse. You might think that it happens overnight because that’s how people who are addicted to them believe that’s the case.  There are many factors involved in addiction; it may be some existing mental health concern, maybe genetics, someone’s socioeconomic status, environmental influence, and many more.  There are …

What Is Acute Care For Addiction And What You Need To Know Leer más "

therapies for addiction

5 Alternative Therapies For Addiction

Substance addiction is among the most significant problems that society faces today and continues to grow. Essentially, addiction alters your behavior and brain function. Despite its negative impact on one’s life, people continue to take drugs. But while substance use disorders are challenging to go through, many therapies for addiction are available to help you …

5 Alternative Therapies For Addiction Leer más "

stress and addiction

4 Ways Stress And Addiction Can Affect Each Other

Stress is a normal part of being alive. However, its effects vary widely. For some, different kinds of stress can be good motivators for positive changes. For some, the same amount of stress can be debilitating and may even trigger or exacerbate mental health conditions, one of which is substance use disorder. Stress has long …

4 Ways Stress And Addiction Can Affect Each Other Leer más "

first responder mental health

10 Mental Health Struggles of First Responders

Mental health is important. As first responders, they are constantly exposed to traumatic events. This can take a toll on their mental health and wellbeing. Here are 10 mental health struggles that first responders may face. 1. Flashbacks and intrusive thoughts They may have flashbacks of the traumatic event they witnessed or experienced. These can …

10 Mental Health Struggles of First Responders Leer más "

Best Treatments For Addiction That Are Proven Successful

6 Best Treatments For Addiction That Are Proven Successful

Addiction is a complex disease that can potentially cause devastating effects. If left untreated, it can cause financial challenges, employment issues, legal implications, and strained relationships. Various addiction recovery clinics are devoted to treating substance abuse. However, some people still fail to achieve lasting sobriety after rehab. That may be because the treatment wasn’t suitable …

6 Best Treatments For Addiction That Are Proven Successful Leer más "
