Relapse Prevention During Klonopin Withdrawal

couple therapy

This is the fourth article of the five-part series Benzodiazepines: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You. Read part three, Professional Help for Benzo Withdrawal is Essential for Success.

Klonopin is a long-acting benzodiazepine, which means that Klonopin withdrawal will typically start between two and seven days after the last dose and may last for eight weeks or longer. Because symptoms may last longer with long-acting benzos, you may be at a higher risk of relapse during Klonopin withdrawal.

Cravings and stress are major triggers for relapse, and coping with these and other triggers during Klonopin withdrawal and withdrawal from other benzodiazepines is essential for getting through detox successfully.

Detox is Not Addiction Treatment

It’s important to understand that detoxing from benzodiazepines is not the same thing as being treated for an addiction to them. Addiction is characterized by compulsive drug use despite the negative consequences they cause for your health, finances, legal status and relationships.

Addiction almost always has underlying causes that must be addressed in order to successfully beat the addiction for the long-term. Getting off benzos for good also depends on developing essential skills and strategies that help you cope with stress, negative emotions, cravings and other triggers.

Therapy during Klonopin withdrawal helps you develop essential relapse prevention skills, and it’s a crucial factor in ending an addiction to Klonopin or another benzodiazepine medication.

Three Relapse Prevention Strategies for Klonopin Withdrawal

Some relapse prevention skills you can practice during Klonopin withdrawal include:

Urge surfing. When you have a craving during Klonopin withdrawal, it’s important to understand that the craving is temporary. Most cravings last 20 minutes to a half hour. You can reduce the intensity of the craving by acknowledging it and mentally riding it like a wave until it peaks and then fades.

Meditating. Regular meditation practice reduces stress, which is a major factor for relapse. Meditation changes the structures of the brain and reduces anxiety, depression, pain and other psychological stressors, according to Harvard Medical School.

Exercising. Exercise during Klonopin withdrawal can improve your mood, reduce stress, increase your sense of well-being and reduce cravings. Regular exercise is an important part of addiction recovery and goes a long way toward helping you restore good physical and mental health after an addiction.

Withdrawing from any substance is never easy. That is why Raíces a través de la recuperación offer drug rehab in Long Beach as well as sober living options. Visit 3939 Atlantic Ave, Suite 102 Long Beach, CA 90807 or call (866) 766-8776 for immediate assistance.

Read part five of this five-part series, Benzo Buddies Support Groups: Do They Help or Hurt?, or download the entire series as a fully illustrated eBook, Benzodiazepines: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You.

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