Por qué la terapia intensiva y la cirugía tienen más éxito cuando se combinan con una vida sobria

IOP and OP With Sober Living

Many different treatment options exist to help a person get sober, because there is no single path to sobriety that works for every person. This variety allows a person to try different therapies to find what is most effective in helping them to maintain long-term recovery.

However, researchers do know there are some combinations of treatments that have been proven to have a high success rate. Some of these include intensive outpatient programs and outpatient programs, which are particularly effective when paired with a sober living facility.

What Is Sober Living?

Sober living is a home or residential setting where a person lives with other people who are similarly committed to recovery from drugs and alcohol. A sober living program allows a person to live in an environment where they are protected from the triggers and high-risk situations of regular life. This structure gives them time to practice relapse prevention skills and safely adapt to increasing independence.

Each sober living facility has its own rules, which may include:

  • Refraining from using drugs or alcohol
  • Helping with chores and upkeep of the home
  • Participating in group meetings, such as 12-step programs
  • Submitting regular drug and alcohol tests to confirm sobriety

Intensive Outpatient Programs and Outpatient Programs

The most reliable treatment plan for a person involves shifting from immersive, full-time therapy to lower levels of care. A residential treatment program is followed by an intensive outpatient program and then an outpatient program. These transitions happen as a person progresses in their sobriety.

A sober living program is an excellent companion to intensive outpatient and outpatient programs. These programs involve frequent or even daily therapy sessions at a treatment facility. Some of the treatment options available at an outpatient program may include counseling, group meetings, medication management and education on drug abuse and successful measures for maintaining sobriety.1 The average length of stay in sober living ranges from 90 days to six months.

Some people choose to participate in outpatient programs while living at home. However, a person may not have a safe living environment, others in their home may still be abusing drugs and alcohol or their home may be triggering for them. All of these can lead to more frequent cravings and increase the likelihood of relapse. By participating in a sober living program, a person can remove themselves from these triggers and thrive in an environment where others are also committed to sobriety.

Research on Sober Living Homes and Outpatient Programs

A study published in the March 2011 edition of the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs examined 300 individuals entering two different types of sober living homes over the course of 18 months. At the end of the study, the researchers found that people who lived in a sober living home and participated in an outpatient program, such as a 12-step group, had the greatest likelihood of being sober at six and 18 months.2

Once a person completes outpatient treatment, they may choose to continue staying in a sober living facility, return home or find a new home. Most treatment centers will recommend staying at a sober living facility for at least 90 days to enjoy the greatest recovery benefits. That is why we offer drug rehab in Long Beach as well as sober living options. Visit 3939 Atlantic Ave, Suite 102 Long Beach, CA 90807 or call (866) 766-8776 for immediate assistance.


  1. https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/treatment-approaches-drug-addiction
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3057870/

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“Estoy muy agradecida de ser una exalumna de Roots. Roots me sacó de mis lugares más oscuros y me llevó a la parte más brillante y hermosa de la vida que he vivido. Realmente se preocupan por sus clientes. Aquí no serás un número ni un sueldo. Después de recibir el alta en febrero, sigo recibiendo ayuda y palabras de sabiduría siempre que las necesito. Roots me ayudó a luchar contra cosas con las que había estado luchando durante más de 14 años y finalmente las dejé atrás. Amo a Roots con todo mi corazón y siempre lo amaré”.


“Hoy llevo 365 días sin beber, todo gracias a esta gente de Roots. Y salvaron mi matrimonio”.


“¡Es fantástico ver un programa de atención de tan alta calidad en Long Beach! Todo el personal muestra gran atención y compasión por sus clientes. Los terapeutas están entre los mejores. Su gestión de casos y admisiones es compasiva y está orientada a ayudarlo a tener éxito. Si busca ayuda por trauma o abuso de sustancias, este es el lugar indicado”.


“Un entorno muy tranquilo, te sientes como en casa cuando entras. El personal es muy agradable y realmente se preocupa por sus clientes”.


“¡El personal más compasivo y capacitado! Roots Through Recovery ofrece la mejor atención y tratamiento de adicciones disponible. Utilizan múltiples disciplinas para atender a una amplia variedad de clientes. Musicoterapia, arteterapia... lo que sea, ¡Roots lo tiene! Hágase un favor y visítelos. Se alegrará de haberlo hecho”.

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