Best 3 Summer Exercise Routines for Addiction Recovery

Summer Exercise Routines for Addiction

As summer approaches, the improving weather and sunnier, longer days make it possible to enjoy more outdoor activities. Many of the best summer exercise routines for addiction recovery can be undertaken by anyone. Regardless of their level of fitness, exercise and addiction recovery.

While we think the following are some of the best summer exercise routines for addiction recovery, it is important that you evaluate which routine might be best for you. It is always advisable to get a medical checkup before undertaking any new strenuous activities.

1. Water sports

Water sports provide some of the best summer exercise routines for addiction recovery.

There are many different ways to enjoy the water. Some of us are lucky enough to live reasonably close to a river, lake or pool or the ocean. These wonderful resources are great for helping to stay cool on the hottest days. Swimming is a great way to exercise without stressing the joints. Kayaking and canoeing are also great ways to keep fit and toned.

2. Walking and hiking

No matter where you live, you are sure to find some type of walking or hiking trails reasonably close by. Join a local group and enjoy walks or hikes along established trails. Sharing these experiences with others adds to the enjoyment. You can select walks and hikes that vary in difficulty level.

If you want to contribute something, think about taking a volunteer vacation. Most trails need regular maintenance work, and this work is often carried out by volunteers. Volunteer vacations give you the opportunity to visit different areas. Your physical activity will help you increase your fitness level while helping to keep the local landscape maintained for fellow walkers and hikers.

3. Cycling

Cycling is another of the best summer exercise routines for addiction recovery. You can choose routes and distances that are physically demanding or enjoy leisurely rides on fairly level terrain. Just like walking, cycling is great exercise to help you stay fit and healthy. The added mobility helps you explore areas further away from home.

Many cities and towns have miles of dedicated cycle paths, or you can travel to rural areas and find tougher paths and trails. If you want to push yourself to the limit, you can try mountain biking or even cycling on paved roads up steep hills or mountains.

While these exercises are some of the best summer exercise routines for addiction recovery, there are many other types of activity that can help you in your recovery. Exercise helps stave off cravings, reduce stress and release endorphins, all of which make us feel better.

Combining exercise and addiction recovery with an interesting hobby is also a great way to spend summer days. Take your camera or smartphone with you on long walks through woods or open countryside and make the most of all the opportunities you will have to get lovely pictures of the natural world.

No matter what activities you participate in during the summer, make sure you drink plenty of water. It is very easy to become dehydrated in warm weather, even if you are only doing moderate exercises.

Raíces a través de la recuperación offers addiction treatment programs that involve outdoor activities. Visit us at 3939 Atlantic Ave, Suite 102 Long Beach, CA 90807 or call (866) 766-8776 for immediate assistance.

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