Designer Drugs: Why it is so dangerous?

Drug Overdose

People would think that designer drugs are a safer alternative because they are synthesized intentionally to replicate the effects of illicit drugs. However, it’s proven that designer drugs are more dangerous than the original substances they tried to mimic. The health effects and chemical combinations used for any designer drug are unknown because illegal laboratories produce different formulas. This difference means that no one that uses them is entirely aware of the chemicals they are ingesting.

Additionally, many of the substances used while manufacturing designer drugs are not made for human consumption. That’s why these drugs are illegal. However, chemists are known to quickly change ingredients purposefully and sell the substance as products like incense, plant food, or even dietary supplements to evade legal intervention.

The long-term health problems that come from designer drugs are still up for investigation and research. Even so, there are many cases of people who use K2, a synthetic version of marijuana, who end up in emergency rooms because of bleeding out or falling into a catatonic state. These cases are often caused by applying the other artificial chemicals in the substance to induce a stronger high.

Another harmful factor of designer drugs is that not all of them can be detected by a drug test, enabling people who use drugs to get away with their consumption. 

Are Designer Drugs Addictive? 


Because of the constant modification of designer drugs, researchers are not entirely sure whether designer drugs are addictive or not. 

Chemists manufacturing these illegal substances use ingredients and chemicals that are unregulated and unmonitored. Even a single previous batch of a specific designer drug may be chemically different from another made just after it. For some, this makes the drugs appealing as they are unique and only available to certain people.

When regulators ban a particular ingredient, all manufacturers immediately change their processes and chemicals to avoid legality issues. The ban results in an almost impossible task for researchers to determine which designer drugs are addictive or not. Health officials themselves cannot keep track of the constant alteration of the designer drugs sold.

But based on the current studies regarding this, it’s seen that many of the substances have addictive qualities, can affect specific receptors in the brain, and generate harmful and even lethal short-term and long-term effects in someone’s body. It’s still not entirely sure which chemicals causes which effects, but it is an ongoing investigation by researchers.

What Are the Harmful Effects of Designer Drugs?


The effects of designer drugs on someone’s overall health are usually unknown. There are bound to be chemical mistakes and mixtures in an unmonitored laboratory that could be lethal to a person’s health. It’s also dangerous that one cannot be entirely sure of the potency of ingredients used in a designer drug. 

Since designer drugs are created very quickly, we have very little information regarding the ways or specific ingredients used to develop them. These factors contribute to a high rate of accidental overdoses and deaths for people who ingest designer drugs.

The spread of these substances does not follow regulations and rules and usually manufacture products without the thought of health precautions. People who use them risk serious health issues, lethal side effects, addiction, and even death when they use the drug.

Although we can’t be precisely sure about how a designer drug will affect one’s body, there are some potential short and long-term effects of designer drugs:

  •     Intense euphoria/exhilaration
  •     Decreased appetite
  •     Amnesia
  •     Paranoia
  •     Alucinaciones
  •     Ataques de pánico
  •     Nausea
  •     Slurred speech
  •     Convulsiones
  •     High or low blood pressure
  •     Vomiting
  •     Fainting
  •     Violent behavior
  •     Coma
  •     Death

What Are the Most Prevalent Designer Drugs? 


According to the DEA, the most popular used designer drugs are synthetic cannabinoids and synthetic cathinones. Among them are:

  •     K2/Spice (among other synthetic cannabinoids)
  •     GHB
  •     Benzo Fury
  •     Bath salts
  •     PCP
  •     LSD
  •     MXE
  •     Bromo-DragonFLY

If you know someone struggling with drug addiction, it’s best to consult professionals that can help your loved one get on the right path. Here at Raíces a través de la recuperación, we specialize in substance abuse treatment, addiction treatment, and alcohol abuse treatment.

Our team of caring professionals is always ready to bring your loved one back to the right path. For more information, you can visit our website here at


Disclaimer: This post serves a strictly educational use. It does not reflect the services, products, or therapeutic approaches of this establishment or its healthcare practitioners. This blog aims not to advertise the products, services, or therapeutic approaches of any other establishment that may be associated with this site. On the subject of safe or legal services, products, and appropriate therapies, recommendations ought to be given by a qualified professional on a case to case basis.

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