Raíces a través de la recuperación

Physical Rehabilitation

From Past to Present: The History of Physical Rehabilitation

Our body is a marvelous machine that is constantly working to keep us healthy and functioning properly. When something goes wrong, however, it’s important to seek help from a professional in order to restore our health. Physical rehabilitation is one such field of medicine that has been around for centuries, helping people regain their strength …

From Past to Present: The History of Physical Rehabilitation Leer más "

What Are Mental Health Disorders: A Guide To Common Therapies

What Are Mental Health Disorders: A Guide To Common Therapies

Mental health disorders are health conditions that affect one’s emotions, thinking, and behavior. It can interfere with the way people perform daily tasks. The most common mental problems are anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. To address these, you can choose among a range of treatment options such as medications, psychotherapy, and other …

What Are Mental Health Disorders: A Guide To Common Therapies Leer más "


How To Manage And Overcome PTSD And Be A Survivor

Have you ever heard of the fight or flight response? This happens when you go through something traumatic or something stressful in your life. Your body seems to react differently when this “certain” event happens -your heart pounds so fast, you can almost hear it come out of your chest; your blood pressure seems to …

How To Manage And Overcome PTSD And Be A Survivor Leer más "

Art in CBT

The Role Of Art In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, is a highly effective psychological treatment used to treat mental disorders like depression, anxiety, and substance abuse, making it one of the most popular methods. But it’s not all talk, as many people seem to think it is. CBT aims to help you recognize detrimental thought and behavior patterns and …

The Role Of Art In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Leer más "

4 features of virtual iop

4 Features of Virtual IOP That Makes Them Worth It

Saying that the coronavirus pandemic has changed the world is an understatement. In the past three years, COVID-19 has overturned the lives of many people. Rich and poor, young and old, COVID-19 has affected everyone in one way or another. This pandemic has altered our day-to-day existence -from the way we worked, the way your …

4 Features of Virtual IOP That Makes Them Worth It Leer más "


“Estoy muy agradecida de ser una exalumna de Roots. Roots me sacó de mis lugares más oscuros y me llevó a la parte más brillante y hermosa de la vida que he vivido. Realmente se preocupan por sus clientes. Aquí no serás un número ni un sueldo. Después de recibir el alta en febrero, sigo recibiendo ayuda y palabras de sabiduría siempre que las necesito. Roots me ayudó a luchar contra cosas con las que había estado luchando durante más de 14 años y finalmente las dejé atrás. Amo a Roots con todo mi corazón y siempre lo amaré”.


“Hoy llevo 365 días sin beber, todo gracias a esta gente de Roots. Y salvaron mi matrimonio”.


“¡Es fantástico ver un programa de atención de tan alta calidad en Long Beach! Todo el personal muestra gran atención y compasión por sus clientes. Los terapeutas están entre los mejores. Su gestión de casos y admisiones es compasiva y está orientada a ayudarlo a tener éxito. Si busca ayuda por trauma o abuso de sustancias, este es el lugar indicado”.


“Un entorno muy tranquilo, te sientes como en casa cuando entras. El personal es muy agradable y realmente se preocupa por sus clientes”.


“¡El personal más compasivo y capacitado! Roots Through Recovery ofrece la mejor atención y tratamiento de adicciones disponible. Utilizan múltiples disciplinas para atender a una amplia variedad de clientes. Musicoterapia, arteterapia... lo que sea, ¡Roots lo tiene! Hágase un favor y visítelos. Se alegrará de haberlo hecho”.

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