Raíces a través de la recuperación

Somatic Therapy

7 Reasons to Try Experiencing Somatic Therapy

Mental health is one of the most sensitive and most talked-about topics worldwide. Many people go through different mental struggles, and not everyone addresses them properly. However, there are all sorts of treatments for mental illnesses. One of them is somatic experiencing therapy. In this article, we will discuss what somatic therapy is and the …

7 Reasons to Try Experiencing Somatic Therapy Leer más "

active vs passive recovery

Active Recovery VS Passive Recovery: What’s The Difference?

Active recovery and passive recovery each serve their unique purposes when it comes to managing chronic pain. Knowing what each treatment plan entails can help you decide which is best for your situation. Chronic pain is defined as a type of discomfort in your body that could last for several months. Some types of chronic …

Active Recovery VS Passive Recovery: What’s The Difference? Leer más "

LGBTQ Therapy

5 Ways Therapy Is Changing the LGBTQ Community

People in the LGBTQ community aren’t always presented with the chance to safely get out of the closet. Instead, they opt to keep their emotions in bottles, repressing them until it becomes part of the unconscious mind. Many also experience bullying, abuse, and discrimination, leading to lifelong trauma.  In effect, repressing one’s emotions and experiences …

5 Ways Therapy Is Changing the LGBTQ Community Leer más "

Mental Illness

Cure for Mental Illness: Where to Find a Treatment Center

TRIGGER WARNING: This article mentions potentially triggering words or situations. A survey conducted by the American Psychological Association revealed that last year showed an increased spike in demand for mental health services in the United States. This is consistent with the data released by the National Institute of Mental Health that around one in five …

Cure for Mental Illness: Where to Find a Treatment Center Leer más "

Benzodiazepine Antidote

Benzodiazepine Antidote, Treatment, And Reversal: How To Overcome Drug Toxicity

Many people wonder why and how other people got addicted to drugs in the first place. For most individuals, consuming drugs is just another technique of altering consciousness. It is not dissimilar from various other leisure activities; the most popular medication used is a benzodiazepine. However, for the relatively small percentage of people who develop …

Benzodiazepine Antidote, Treatment, And Reversal: How To Overcome Drug Toxicity Leer más "


“Estoy muy agradecida de ser una exalumna de Roots. Roots me sacó de mis lugares más oscuros y me llevó a la parte más brillante y hermosa de la vida que he vivido. Realmente se preocupan por sus clientes. Aquí no serás un número ni un sueldo. Después de recibir el alta en febrero, sigo recibiendo ayuda y palabras de sabiduría siempre que las necesito. Roots me ayudó a luchar contra cosas con las que había estado luchando durante más de 14 años y finalmente las dejé atrás. Amo a Roots con todo mi corazón y siempre lo amaré”.


“Hoy llevo 365 días sin beber, todo gracias a esta gente de Roots. Y salvaron mi matrimonio”.


“¡Es fantástico ver un programa de atención de tan alta calidad en Long Beach! Todo el personal muestra gran atención y compasión por sus clientes. Los terapeutas están entre los mejores. Su gestión de casos y admisiones es compasiva y está orientada a ayudarlo a tener éxito. Si busca ayuda por trauma o abuso de sustancias, este es el lugar indicado”.


“Un entorno muy tranquilo, te sientes como en casa cuando entras. El personal es muy agradable y realmente se preocupa por sus clientes”.


“¡El personal más compasivo y capacitado! Roots Through Recovery ofrece la mejor atención y tratamiento de adicciones disponible. Utilizan múltiples disciplinas para atender a una amplia variedad de clientes. Musicoterapia, arteterapia... lo que sea, ¡Roots lo tiene! Hágase un favor y visítelos. Se alegrará de haberlo hecho”.

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