Why Treating Trauma is the Key to Substance Abuse Recovery

substance abuse recovery

Treating substance abuse requires a comprehensive and personalized approach that addresses the multiple factors contributing to addiction. While traditional addiction treatment focuses on reducing the symptoms of addiction, such as cravings and withdrawal, research suggests that untreated trauma can significantly hinder recovery and increase the risk of relapse.

In this blog, we will explore the benefits of treating trauma in addiction therapy and highlight the importance of trauma-informed care in helping individuals overcome addiction.

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The Relationship Between Trauma and Substance Abuse

Traumatic experiences, such as childhood abuse, sexual assault, or combat exposure, can have long-lasting effects on an individual’s mental and physical health. Trauma can also increase the risk of developing substance abuse disorders, as individuals may use drugs or alcohol to cope with the negative emotions or memories associated with their trauma. In some cases, individuals with trauma histories may turn to substances as a way to numb their pain or dissociate from their traumatic experiences.

The Benefits of Trauma-Informed Addiction Therapy

Trauma-informed care is an approach to treatment that recognizes the profound impact of trauma on an individual’s life and integrates this understanding into all aspects of care. It acknowledges that individuals with trauma histories may have unique treatment needs and that addressing trauma is critical to achieving lasting recovery from addiction. Some of the benefits of trauma-informed addiction therapy include:

  1. Increased Safety: Trauma-informed care prioritizes the physical and emotional safety of patients, creating a secure and supportive treatment environment.
  2. Addressing Underlying Issues: By identifying and treating the underlying trauma that contributes to addiction, trauma-informed care can prevent relapse and promote long-term recovery.
  3. Empowerment: By acknowledging the individual’s autonomy and choices and by offering a variety of treatment modalities, trauma-informed care provides individuals with a sense of empowerment and control over their recovery.
  4. Building Resilience: Trauma-informed care can help individuals develop resilience and coping skills, which can be applied to their everyday life and can help them manage stress, negative emotions, and triggers.


Treating trauma is an essential component of addiction recovery. By providing trauma-informed care, individuals can receive personalized and integrated treatment that addresses the underlying causes of their addiction.

Through evidence-based therapies, support groups, and trauma-specific treatments, individuals can overcome the effects of trauma and achieve lasting recovery. Remember, recovery is a journey that requires courage, commitment, and a willingness to seek help from qualified healthcare providers who recognize the critical role of trauma in addiction treatment.

Embark on a transformative journey with Roots Through Recovery. Reach out today to learn more about our evidence-based therapies.

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