The Benefits of Rehab for Alcoholism in Socal

Guy from Rehab Alcoholism

An estimated 18 million adults in America have an alcohol use disorder, where drinking alcohol interferes with their daily life, according to the National Institutes of Health.1 Alcoholism is an example of how a legal substance can result in substance abuse, addiction and suffering.

This is the case for those in Southern California who experience alcoholism. If a person has a problem with alcohol, ranging from uncontrolled binge drinking to full-blown alcohol addiction, they should seek professional help at a high-quality addiction treatment facility.

What Is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism, known clinically as a substance use disorder, is a medical condition that occurs when a person is physically and mentally addicted to alcohol. Some of the symptoms associated with alcoholism include:

  • Tolerance: Repeated exposure to alcohol builds resistance to its effects, and a person will need to drink increasing quantities of alcohol to achieve the same effect
  • Cravings: Experiencing a strong urge to drink alcohol, often at inappropriate times such as first thing in the morning or while at work or school
  • Dependence: When cutting back or not drinking at all, a person will have symptoms associated with alcohol withdrawal, such as tremors, nausea, anxiety, headaches or pain

The hallmark symptom of alcoholism is loss of control. A person may promise themselves that they’ll only have one or two drinks, yet they always end up drinking to excess or blacking out. Ultimately, this loss of control causes harm to a person’s relationships with others and their performance at work or school.

California Rehab for Alcoholism

Alcohol addiction is a serious illness that has long-term health effects. It also carries short-term risks that a person could become injured or die from excessive alcohol consumption or risky behavior while they were under the influence. California rehab is available to help a person find sobriety and learn to live a life free from alcohol abuse in Southern California.

Rehab is more than just a place to get sober. It can, in many ways, be a life-saving place to get help, break physical dependence on alcohol and address the underlying issues behind the addiction.

Safely Break Free From Alcoholism

A physical dependence on alcohol can cause severe withdrawal effects when a person stops or decreases their drinking. Withdrawal symptoms may include a syndrome called delirium tremens, characterized by hallucinations, seizures and a rapid heart rate. While this syndrome occurs in a small portion of those going through withdrawal, the risk that DTs can occur make it important that a person recover in a treatment facility where 24-hour medical support is available.

Even though withdrawal symptoms are unpleasant, the dangers of continued alcoholism are far greater. From liver disease to increased risks for certain types of cancers, alcohol abuse can and will destroy a person’s health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, excessive alcohol use leads to 88,000 deaths and an estimated 2.5 million years of lives lost annually.2

A fine line exists between a person who drinks socially and a person who has a problem with alcohol. If you suspect that you or a loved one suffers from alcoholism in Southern California, it’s important to seek a professional help to overcome the disease as safely as possible. Call Raíces a través de la recuperación via (866) 766-8776 to schedule a FREE consultation with our team or visit us at 3939 Atlantic Ave, Suite 102 Long Beach, CA 90807.



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