The Considerable Benefits of Getting Outdoors in Recovery

Recovery Benefits of Getting Outdoors

Getting outdoors in recovery is one of the most effective and easy therapeutic techniques. Exploring the natural world improves your physical and mental health. There are considerable benefits to connecting with nature and doing outdoor physical activity.

Recharge by Visiting the Water

A University of Exeter article detailed the benefits of exercising by the water. Any type of clean and healthy marine environment, such as rivers, bays, lakes and oceans, provides numerous benefits for human health. That’s because they’re sources of recreation, exercise and relaxation. If you like to fish, it can be a food source as well.

Take advantage of these health benefits and enjoy the outdoors in recovery by walking the trails around a lake or along a river bank. Or visit the beach, soak up the sunshine and enjoy the rhythmic sound of the waves. You’ll return home rested and refreshed.

Improve Your Mental and Physical Health

Walking in a natural setting can improve your mental health. A walk among the trees has been shown to improve human health conditions, because people feel better and heal faster when they’re in natural environments.

Visiting natural environments means moving around. You have to walk around to see and hear all the wonderful things nature has to offer. The potential for healthy exercise is enormous when you get outdoors in recovery, which tones and shapes your muscles.

Relieve Stress and Heal Faster

Stress reduction is part of getting outdoors in recovery. Stress makes you more vulnerable to relapse. Strolling through or gazing at natural beauty can lower your stress levels. It can also help you heal faster. One study showed that patients recovering from surgery who had a view of a tree from their window recovered more quickly, took less medication and had less post-surgical complications, compared to post-surgical patients whose window view was a brick wall.

Boost Your Creativity

Studies show that immersing yourself in nature and turning off electronic devices can boost your creativity. Modern technology monopolizes our attention and distracts us from our surroundings. By spending time in nature and turning off phones and tablets, creative problem-solving may become easier.

Different Ideas for Enjoying the Outdoors in Recovery

  • Have a picnic at your favorite outdoor spot. If you can’t get away from home, have your picnic on your porch, terrace or backyard.
  • Go on a boat. Instead of enjoying the water from land, rent a boat or book a charter and enjoy the water from a different perspective.
  • Try a zip-line ride, which is an exciting and fun way to commune with nature.
  • Take up photography as a hobby. Take pictures of your outdoor surroundings, such as flowers, trees and animals.
  • Take a walk. Put on your walking shoes and get outside in the fresh air and sunshine. Maybe you can’t always get to a totally natural environment, but a relaxing stroll in the fresh air and sunshine will still make you feel good.

Looking for a rehab center in Long Beach that incorporates outdoor activities with recovery? Check out Raíces a través de la recuperación. Visit us at 3939 Atlantic Ave, Suite 102 Long Beach, CA 90807 or call (866) 766-8776 for immediate assistance.

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“Un entorno muy tranquilo, te sientes como en casa cuando entras. El personal es muy agradable y realmente se preocupa por sus clientes”.


“¡El personal más compasivo y capacitado! Roots Through Recovery ofrece la mejor atención y tratamiento de adicciones disponible. Utilizan múltiples disciplinas para atender a una amplia variedad de clientes. Musicoterapia, arteterapia... lo que sea, ¡Roots lo tiene! Hágase un favor y visítelos. Se alegrará de haberlo hecho”.

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