5 Ways to Get My Teen to Rehab

teen rehab

The National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that 2 in 5 young adults aged 18-25 reported using illicit drugs in the past year.

If your son or daughter is part of this statistic, do you find yourself at a loss, unsure of how to guide them towards rehab? You’re not alone. Many parents struggle to connect with their teens and overcome the resistance of addiction treatment.

How do you start a conversation with your child, and what are the key elements to consider for a supportive approach? Let’s explore the answers to this question in this blog.

teen resistance
Source: Roots Through Recovery

Common Psychological Behaviors in Teens Struggling with Addiction

Adolescents experience a whirlwind of emotional, physical, and mental changes, which can significantly influence their behaviors and decisions.

Risk-Taking and Impulsivity

Teens are naturally inclined towards risk-taking behaviors due to the ongoing development of their prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for decision-making and impulse control. This tendency is often amplified in teens struggling with addiction, leading to behaviors that may seem reckless or unpredictable.

Mood Swings and Mental Health Challenges

During the teenage years, hormonal changes can make emotions like anger, sadness, or happiness feel stronger. When a teen is also dealing with addiction, these feelings can get even more intense.

This can sometimes result in co-occurring mental health issues, where emotional challenges and addiction happen at the same time. It’s important to look at both the addiction and the emotional health of the teen.

support system
Source: Pexels.com

Denial and Defensiveness

It’s common for teens grappling with addiction to be in denial about their situation. They may become defensive when the topic is brought up, often out of fear, shame, or the inability to acknowledge the problem.

Social Withdrawal or Changes in Friend Groups

Addiction can lead teens to withdraw from family and longtime friends, often gravitating towards a new peer group that shares similar habits. This change can be a significant red flag for parents.

Decline in Academic Performance

Struggles with addiction can manifest in a teen’s academic life, leading to a noticeable drop in grades, lack of interest in school activities, and increased absenteeism.

Low Self-Esteem and Negative Self-Image

Teens with addiction issues often struggle with low self-esteem. They might feel isolated or different from their peers, which can exacerbate the addiction as they seek comfort or escape.

admission process
Source: Roots Through Recovery

Importance of Addiction Treatment

Addressing addiction is crucial for a teen’s overall development and future well-being.

Early treatment can prevent long-term health issues by supporting brain development and fostering better decision-making skills. It also helps teens improve in academic and social areas, and prevents the escalation of addiction into adulthood.

Family relationships benefit too, as rehab often includes family therapy, enhancing communication and trust. Moreover, teen rehab focuses on life skills training, equipping them to make healthier choices and cope with challenges constructively.

In essence, teen addiction treatment is about more than just overcoming addiction; it’s about empowering teens for a healthier and more balanced life.

How to Get My Teen to Rehab

Guiding teens can be tricky. This is the age where they start to form their own opinions and want to make their own choices. But when it comes to important decisions like getting help for addiction, guiding them gently and with understanding is crucial.

This section offers straightforward, practical strategies to help you lead your teen towards rehab.

Effective Communication Techniques

Begin by establishing open lines of communication. Use empathetic language and active listening to create a safe space for your teen to share their thoughts and feelings. Avoid judgmental or accusatory tones, and instead express concern and willingness to understand their perspective. Encourage honest dialogue, emphasizing that their voice and opinions matter.

Creating a Supportive Environment

A nurturing home environment plays a crucial role in teen addiction treatment. According to a study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, teens with a supportive system or a loving family are more likely to engage positively in rehab. Strive to make your home a place of trust and safety, where your teen feels comfortable expressing themselves and discussing their challenges without fear of negative consequences.

Involving Professionals

Seeking professional help is essential. Experts like therapists or addiction counselors can offer tailored advice and strategies based on your teen’s specific needs. They also provide a neutral, professional perspective that can be reassuring for both you and your teen. Remember, involving professionals doesn’t signify failure; it’s a proactive step towards recovery.

Exploring Treatment Options Together

Active involvement in choosing a treatment plan can increase your teen’s commitment to rehab. A study in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment highlights the positive impact of involving teens in selecting their treatment program. Discuss different options, focusing on how each approach aligns with their needs and preferences, to foster a sense of ownership in their recovery process.

Addressing Fears and Misconceptions

Your teen might have fears or misconceptions about rehab. Address these concerns by providing clear, factual information about what they can expect. Reassure them about the support they’ll receive and the positive outcomes they can achieve. This conversation can help demystify the process and reduce anxiety related to the unknown.

teen addiction treatment
Source: Pexels.com

Hopefully, the strategies we’ve discussed empower you with the knowledge to effectively guide and support your teen. Remember, the goal is not just to get them into rehab, but to foster a deeper understanding, stronger relationship, and a resilient foundation for their future.

If you’re ready to take the next step and want more guidance or support, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help. Contact Roots Through Recovery to know more about our admission process.

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“Very serene setting, you feel right at home when you walk in. The staff are super nice and really care about their clients.”


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